BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About working in the maintenance management system > Opening a document in Web Access

Opening a document in Web Access

Working with documents from within your maintenance management system is convenient, but limited. The limitations are intentional due to:

Much more data and functionality is available in Meridian Enterprise Web Access. Meridian Enterprise Web Access is the intranet/Internet access system built into Meridian Enterprise. Web Access lets you work with Meridian Enterprise vaults using an Internet Explorer web browser. You can access most of the same vault features and data from Web Access that you can with the PowerUser client. For more information on the differences between Web Access and PowerUser, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise User’s Guide.

Note    Although Web Access provides more data and functionality, your vault privileges are the same as when using the Asset Management Module from your maintenance management system.

To open in Web Access the document that you are currently viewing in your maintenance management system:

  1. View the document that you want to download as described in Viewing the latest revision of a document.
  2. Click the Open Document in Meridian Web Access icon . An Internet Explorer window opens to a Meridian Enterprise Web Access page with the document selected.

For more information on using Web Access, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise User’s Guide.

Related tasks

Attaching documents to assets

Attaching a new revision to a document

Downloading documents

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